It’s Hard to Ignore the Decline of the American Dollar! “Should we all be Hoarding Supplies”?

It only seems rational to be prepared for more than just the usual possible extreme storm, drought, or power outage.  Is it possible that the dollar will fail?  It would not be the first in ancient history and we can also see some recent modern countries devastated by the failure of their native currency.  Most are aware of the Euro’s struggle to support all who have joined the European Union. 

Eamonn Fingleton posted the article titled “Apocalypse Soon: The U.S. Dollar’s Grim Future — And How To Prepare For It” July 2013 on  He is not alone on the net predicting the collapse of the US economy and currency.  In stark contrast CNN posted the article “The US Dollar to Reign Supreme for Decades to Come” in April of this year by Ted Temp.  We are left scratching are heads and asking which is it.

Just yesterday Ron Paul posted the article “Ron Paul: Russian Sanctions May Sink US Dollar” on  So, do we ignore the current state of world politics, not to mention Ebola epidemic and the possibility of a global pandemic? As a rational thinker it is very hard to ignore.   America is more than its political power brokers, and a consciously aware world community is emerging.

There is no definitive answer to this question, our time is not the only in history to face political upheaval, global pandemic and natural disasters.  Clearly it is important to be aware that the usual source of food, water and energy may not always be available.  It is time to think outside of the small little box that our educational systems have prepared us for.  This is not just an American issue.

What does this mean?  Learning how to produce, preserve and prepare natural food without the convince of large food whole sellers and retailers is a necessity. If a family, group of friends and community is prepared to sustain itself there is no reason now and there will be no reason in the future to panic.  Fear is the true issue. 

Taking action within our own lives, family and communities is the only viable solution.  Be aware of what grows well and easily in the region that you live in.  Have more food that stores for 5 to 10 years as a part of your household, and consume these foods as a part of your weekly diet. This act of consumption will make these food sources familiar and help preserve the calm when crisis strikes.    

There are plenty of how to articles available to us.  The key is to learn from them now.  Copy them & print them off and arrange them in a usable fashion.  If crisis does strike in whatever form it may take, the most reasonable assumption will be that there will be less access if any to the internet.  At least for a period of time while the world transitions to a new equilibrium. 

Have a plan use the resources and links attached to the post to have the skill sets that most of our grandparents and great grandparents’ new and considered common sense.

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3 Natural Ways to Keep Flying Insects OFF Without DEET

It is no fun to be bitten by a mosquito or any other flying and biting insect.  They are known to carry diseases two of the most common concerns are with the West Nile Virus & Several kinds of Encephalitis.   There are safe and effective solutions that will keep your family safer from disease and the active ingredient DEET.

DEET is the active ingredient in most commercially manufactured products intended to keep flying insects off.  What many people do not realize is that it’s more important to keep DEET off of our bodies and skin.  Yes flying insects can be more than just a bother, so we will look a 3 effective all natural solutions.  Many of which can now be found in commercially produced products.  It is true that not everyone likes to DIY.

First let’s take a closer look at just why DEET should never touch you.  DEET has been shown to cause brain cell death and behavioral changes in Rats.  DEET is a neurotoxin and as such should never come anywhere near children, or anybody else for that matter.  Exposure causes brain cells called neurons to die.

The specific areas of the rats’ brains that were affected are responsible for muscle coordination & movement, memory, learning and concentration.  Human medical reports by military personnel who were exposed to DEET during the Persian Gulf War showed complaints of weakness, fatigue, memory loss, headaches, muscle and joint pain and tremors.

It is important to note that DEET is used in other products besides insect repellents.  It can be found in over the counter Shampoos intended to treat lice infestations in children and adults.  The negative effects of DEET can increase when exposure to it is combined with over the counter and prescription medications.  Many lawn sprays can contain DEET if you or your children are on daily medications; make sure you do not spray your lawn with it.

Neem oil form the Neem tree is one of the most exciting natural non harmful to the environment or humans ingredients that has actually been available for decades.  The active ingredient in neem oil which is extracted from Neem seeds is azadirachtin.

The active ingredient azadirachtin and there is significant research that establishes Neem oil is an effective mosquito repellent against the anopheles species (the ones that transmit malaria).  In India a 1994 study conducted showed that burning 1% neem oil keep the insect’s away and additional application to the skin increased the effectiveness.

In the US we have a greater population of the culex spices of mosquito. Neem oil in a 1 to 2 percent solution is significantly less effective as a repellent of the culex mosquito. It has been found that Neem can be more effective in the US when combined with other natural oils, such as coconut oil, citronella, karanja oil and geraniol.

Neem Tree Farms located in Florida produces a neem oil gel that is wild crafted with citronella and geraniol. They also produce an outdoor spray that contains neem, citronella, karanja oil to repel insects and lavender, lemon grass and cedar to provide a sent sensation of humans.

Garlic is a natural repellent as mosquitos do not like the smell or taste of garlic they will stay yards away from an individual who is excreting garlic from their pores. So for those of you who love to eat it make sure you increase your intake during the summer months. What a simple solution to ward of the mosquito.

Now what other ingredients have been shown effective to ward off pests without posing a threat to us humans.  This one can be made at home and does not take that much time and effort.  Recent studies at Iowa State University have shown cat nip to be an effective insect repellent.  The University has patented the active ingredient nepetalactone.

Fresh cat nip can be found at pet stores and garden centers as a potted herb.  Take a small bunch and blend in a blender with about a quart of clean filtered water.  Strain and boil for 2 to three minutes place in the refrigerator to cool.  Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, safe for children and pets.

If DIY projects are not for you, you’re not alone.  Fortunately there are now numerous DEET free products on the market designed to repel fly insects that are all not only safer than DEET but more effective as well.  Take the time to find a safe way to enjoy the summer.

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Posted in Health Benefits, Sustainable Agriculture

Is Leaving The Area Always the Best Choice in a Crisis?

Clearly being prepared is an essential behavior for survival for ourselves and our species.  Our very nature shows us that we like to travel in packs and are most comfortable when we have some measure of control over our surroundings.  It may be an absolute necessity if the issue is 4 feet of water in your home, but if you can stay put in a neighborhood you are familiar with your odds off truly being safe go up immeasurably.

Think community and think about truly knowing the people who live on either side of your house or apartment.  The way we respond to an actual emergency or crisis will determine how well we will survive.  How you handle every day situations will tell you a lot about how you will handle a crisis.  Having an action plan and supplies only makes sense.

What you have in your action plan can really matter in the long run!  No pun intended.  Simply having a plan to leave were you are is not enough.  You may remember being told as a child to look twice before crossing a street,  it’s just as important to think twice before living the security of a home.  Are you the leader within your family or among your friends?

If so then it is important to know how to contact and communicate with each other if your local community or region is without power for any length of time.  Do you have a central location where you will meet family members and/or friends.  Do you have cash on hand if you can not remove funds from your accounts?  You may not be able to use ATM or even write checks.

Having protection is a serious consideration.  Make sure that if you decide to have firearms that you are qualified to use them and everyone who will come in contact with them knows how to treat them with respect.  Our communities do not have to spiral out of control.  Just because Hollywood has given us an endless number of dooms day prophecy movies, does not mean we can not survive anything that nature or governments can throw at us.

We are resilient and by our very core natures a community who thrive on supporting the well-being of ourselves and those around us.  Say it is not so!  Dare the media and the propaganda mill, let us show ourselves and each other how incredibly capable we are.

How can you increase your and your families security right where you live?  The answer to this question is as important as having the supplies to live in the woods.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with living in the woods. Many people in many nations live by humble means.

The point here is that the majority of us who live in North America live in large cities or metropolitan communities that stretch on and on.  Finding a nice private spot in the woods is not a likelihood.  Maybe a spot in a public park, but then if your home is intact would you not be happier at home, surrounded by all your personal items and prepped supplies.  That brings us back to” is leaving the area always the best choice in a crisis”?  If you plan to leave know were you are going and how you are going to get there ahead of time!

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Let’s Take a Closer Look at Just Why the Moringa Tree Is SO very Unique in Nature

The Moringa Trees’ fast growth rate and drought resistant nature makes it a remarkable tree.   The wood produced from its remarkable growth can be used as a fuel source, but more important its oil can be used in cooking and as a biofuel.  All of this sounds wonderful, but these characteristics alone are not what make the Moringa a truly remarkable natural gift.

It requires little water can be grown in doors in cold environments and is incredible edible.  Great, but that is still not enough to make the Moringa tree such an outstanding natural resource to our entire planets human population. The seed pods can even be used to purify water.  Have you figured out what makes this amazing peace of vegetation an absolute gem?

It has been known for centuries to contain medicinal properties.  The nutritional delivery to the human body is enough that an individual could live a long and healthy lifetime consuming only the very edible parts of the tree. That would be the leaves, flower (which must be cooked), and fruit (pods and seeds).  The roots are used to make a horseradish like condiment in native communities, but it is now discouraged and you should not eat the roots as they contain alkaloids that can prove fatal after ingestion.

Moringa can purify water, offers a balanced food source, and provides fuel, shelter, and medicine.  In Thai Land the tree is used to form living walls.  Native to the foot hills of the Himalayas’ the Moringa has been propagated in India and parts of Africa for hundreds of years.  The tree has gained in popularity as a resource to prevent global starvation and is now spreading out from its roots in the Himalayas’ through the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

It is now a marketable crop in Africa as well as both Central and South America.  Moringa is cultivated in India, Shri Lanka, Malaysia, and the Philippines.  Over 400,000 trees have been planted in Rwanda to save lives and provide an economy.

So that brings us back to why the Moringa Oleifera is so unique in nature.  The answer has to do with our human bodies need for 8 very essential amino acids, there are 22 occurring in nature and the body can make 14 of them. Requiring nature to provide the other eight which are named:

  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenyalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

Moringa Oleifera contains 18 amino acids including the 8 considered essential to the adult body.  Now that is rare indeed in nature.  An unrivaled giant and a true super food source,  moringa has over a hundred specific health benefits that are well worth mentioning.

The goal here at is offer informational and educational materials.  The source of inspirations comes from an awe inspiring understanding of how truly miraculous it is for the world today to break free of interference and see Gods Good Stuff Naturally as they are intended.

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Posted in Health Benefits, Sustainable Agriculture


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Why Neem Trees are Sustainable Agriculture and Another Amazing Gift to Humanity and the World

If you are a gardener you may have had some experience with neem oil.  Neem trees are also commonly referred to as Neem Peace.  Their botanical name is Azdirachta Indica Meliaceae.  Similar to the Moringa in that it has been highly valued by native people, it too has been called extraordinary names such as “heal all”, “village pharmacy”, as well as “panacea for all diseases”. 

Neem oil is a source of environmentally friendly bio-pesticides and many environmentally conscious farmers and growers utilize these products all over the world.  The truly amazing property of neem oil is that it does not actually kill the pest.  Its active ingredient azdirachtin renders the pest unable to breed, undergo metamorphosis or even feed. 

Parts of the world utilize neem tree as an edible part of a sustainable nutritional diet.  It has medicinal properties and in addition to its anti-pest properties it has been shown to be an effective non-toxic insecticide.  Neem Tree varieties are adaptable and can be viable in both dry and wet tropical environments.

Neem has an edible fruit that has a thin sweet flesh and pulp like consistency.  The trees adaptability has allowed it to survive dessert temperatures as well as a light frost.  It also has a unique ability to attract helpful species of insects to a growing farm or plantation were other production crops are supported.  Useful predator insects that will eat and destroy problematic types of insects without harming humans or vegetation are always a preferable form of pest control. 

A small grove of these trees can produce enough oil to provide a farmer with pest control for multiple large crops.  In addition to being a truly safe systemic bio-pesticide neem oil has other product applications.  The leaves and bark as well as the harvested neem oil have beneficial properties.  Neem Oil is said to have over 1000 beneficial uses.

Some of neem oils benefits can include the ability to asset the body heal the skin.  It is considered a sacred tree in India and its medicinal use can be documented for several thousand years.  Although this oil does not cure eczema it does help reduce and control its daily symptomology.  Providing a great amount of relief to eczema suffers.  Current research suggests that neem oil is at least as effective in relieving eczema symptomology as any over the counter medications currently available. 

This oil can also be helpful in relieving the symptomology of psoriasis.  Although it is not a cure for the condition, it has been praised for its ability to provide enormous relief.  The oil is an effective emollient as well as having anti-inflammatory properties. 

Neem tree farms have provided sustainable agriculture for populations around the world.  The trees provide financial stability, leaves & fruit are edible, has medicinal and pesticide applications.  In short another amazing gift to humanity and the Earth.

Sources for this post Include:

David, S.N. (1978) Effect of neem oil and its constituents on cotton pellet inflammation. Mediscope. 20: 273-274.

Posted in Sustainable Agriculture

Moringa a True Giant among Those Adorned with the Worn out Phrase Super food!

Nutrition is clearly an important factor when it comes to our wellbeing and some plant based foods stand out from the crowd like Moringa.  Often referred to as the Miracle tree it truly offers humanity a tastier solution to single source balanced nutrition than seaweed or algae.  If an individual or population had only one option for sustenance and a choice between Moringa or Spirulina most would choose Moringa.

It may be helpful to some to point out that seaweeds are algae, yet not all algae are found in the sea.  Algae are vegetation that inhabits a marine environment some form in oceans and have a multicellular structure such as kelp or seaweed.  Other types of algae are single cell organisms such as Spirulina or plankton.  Algae can be found both in sea water and fresh water lakes and can have a cyanobacteria cellular component like Spirulina.

Let’s take a closer look at Spirulina also called a super food.  Spirulina has some wonderful qualities as a single source of nutrition.  Spirulina powder from (cyanobacteria) is blue – green algae that can contain a high level of chlorophyll, bio-available iron, and is a source of omega 3, 6 & 9.  Spirulina is 65% protein with a very special essential amino acid for the human body none as gamma linolenic acid (GLA).  It also is a source of sodium, zinc, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and selenium.  In addition to its natural mineral content it can be a viable source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, as well as D, C, E, and A.

Spirulina can be processed and used as a bio-available supplement to a healthy diet.  When added to fruit juices and vegetable based smoothies as well as in pill or gel cap form.  Always make sure you are using an organic source if you choose to supplement your diet with any blue-green algae.

Now why have we been hearing so much about the Moringa Tree?  We have heard so much about the Morigna Tree because it is truly a giant among sustainable food from its leaves, to its fruit, to its bark and to the production of both ben oil and non-food plantation crops for bio-fuels.  Not only is most of the tree edible and nutritious with medicinal properties but  its seeds can produces oil high in oleic acid, which can be readily processed as a bio-fuel.

The list of ways that the Moringa has been utilized across nations and history is beyond the scope of this post, but we will cover some high lights. How does the Moringa Oleiferia tree stack up to Spirulina as a balanced nutritional food source?  Let’s restrict our discussion to Moringa Leaves processed into a fine powder.

Moringa organic leaf powder contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium.  It has a vitamin complement of A, C, E, B, B1, B2, B3, and B12.  But most amazingly it has a complement of 18 amino acids 8 of which are essential amino acids making them a complete bio-available protein source for the human body.  This is a very rare combination in the plant world, which is why the Moringa Oleiferia Tree has been called the miracle tree, the tree of life, the never die tree, the magic tree, the tree of paradise and mothers’ best friend.

Spirulina blue-green algae and Moringa Oleiferia are superior nutritional sources that can both be produced in abundance given the right conditions.  Although both can deliver balanced nutrition, Moringa is a true giant among single crop based nutrition for the masses.  Moringa is sustainable in dry drought prone regions and grows incredible fast as much as 10 feet or more a year.

Moringa powder can be used as a balanced nutritional supplement in pill or gel cap form as well as added to fruit juices and green smoothies.  Make sure to use a food grade organically processed Morigna leaf or powder source.

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